Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Alrighty.  So as everyone knows, I have Dave Espino’s book and have decided to review his products.  He is the Ebay king and he has made millions off of just auctioning items online.  He came out with this product because the economy sucks and he loves helping people.  A lot of complaints that have been going on have been about Ebay being a free-for-all website and that every thing that Dave Espino is selling, is readily available and free on the internet.  Yeah, that is true… but in the day and age with the economy laying off thousands of people from their jobs… I don’t want to make expensive errors because I didn’t want to invest some money in a product that could’ve helped me.
The first thing about Dave Espino is that his product breaks down Ebay for you.  Yes, that’s all very easy and free and you can learn all these things just by experimenting with the website, but some people don’t know how to use a computer.  And who knows?  What if a family wants to learn how to use Ebay but they couldn’t because they were living in China and China banned Ebay?  Thats definitely a possibility seeing as how China banned google. YES, GOOGLE! I use google every day of my life so I have no idea how I would’ve survived… Apparently they used elgoog which is basically google backwards.. Anyway, my point is that I love that he breaks Ebay down for the non computer users.  He also gives you great tips and strategies to help you make your product much more appealing.  He tells you about photo quality and the importance of using certain words, etc.  He tells you things that you probably would’ve never considered but would’ve had a huge impact on your sales.
The biggest plus and advantage from using his product is using Ebay Crystal Ball.  I was extremely doubtful that Ebay Crystal Ball was only accessible by Dave’s Members, but its true.  He made a deal with Ebay and paid a lot of money for us to use this amazing service.
Please excuse my wealth without risk tabs.  I’m going to start investing in tax liens and such and I’m thoroughly researching everything so that I can give the public an honest review.  Anyway, if you read this article, its a simple breakdown of what Ebay Crystal Ball is… and after reading this, I went to see if it was available to the general public.  It is not.  Whenever I typed in “Ebay Crystal Ball” into my search bar, the only thinks that would come up are people selling crystal balls on ebay. *sigh… But at least its a huge plus to the people who have purchased Auctions for Income.
I’m slowly moving out of my apartment in Santa Barbara and making my way into Los Angeles… and I think I have a lot of things that people might want to purchase via Ebay.  I’ll give it a shot and see how everything works out and let you know.
People are just so annoying.  Stop calling things a scam because you were too lazy to do the work.  They get great reviews from people because they actually work for the people who put the time and effort to utilize the product efficiently.
This blog entry was taken from www.chroniclesofrealestate.com

Wednesday, December 8, 2010